Online Bill Pay makes paying your bills more convenient. All of your billers are kept in one place, no need to log on to multiple biller sites and services. Bills can even be delivered directly to your Online Bill Pay account electronically. Paying your bills is also more convenient with options to schedule payments, to pay bills when they arrive or to hand pay bills on your schedule.
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Nothing. That's right it's free. All you need is a Credit Union 1 Checking Account and access to Online Banking and you can begin paying your bills for free today.
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The Online Bill Pay application can be accessed in Online Banking on the Account Summary screen under Bill Payment. Select Enrollment Options and follow the prompts to sign up.
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You will need a Credit Union 1 checking account and access to Online Banking. To get started gather any copies of bills you wish to pay online. You will need the biller's name, address and your account number with the biller. Many of the companies you pay are already in Online Bill Pay so you will only need to select them from the list and put in your account specific company information. Many billers can also send e-bills directly to your Online Bill Pay account where they can be paid automatically or on demand depending on your preference.
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The answer is some of both. Most payments will be electronic but some billers are still unable to accept electronic payments. In those cases a paper check will be sent. Online Bill Pay can pay bills in three ways:
- Via electronic transmission from Online Bill Pay to the Biller.
- Via check drawn on your personal checking account.
- Via a check drawn off of an account from Online Bill Pay.
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An e-bill is a copy of your bill and the information in it that is sent to your Online Bill Pay account rather than to you in the mail. These bills are kept safely on Online Banking and can be paid automatically or on demand depending on your preference.
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Yes, you can download bill payment history as a .csv (comma separated) file for use in programs like Microsoft Excel. Direct download to Quicken or other personal finance software is not available.
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You can pay anyone from your power company to your paper boy. Online Bill Pay is flexible and payments are sent in the way that billers can process them. You can even make person-to-person payments using Popmoney®.
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Yes, we use industry standard encryption and security measures during the logon and authentication process and during your bill pay session.
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First, don't worry we all make mistakes. Online Bill Pay is flexible and understands these situations. You may cancel your payment at any time via bill pay before the payment is in process. After it is in process you will need to call the bill pay service at 855.837.3991, or contact the Member Solutions Department at 800.252.6950 and we will attempt to cancel the payment or place a stop pay on the check (if applicable).
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You can log in to Online Bill Pay and check the status of payments at any time. If a scheduled payment did not arrive at a biller, you can open a case online to have your payment researched. You can do this by clicking on Bill history, then 'view details' and then 'payment inquiry' inside of Online Bill Pay. You can also call the call center at 855.837.3991 to open a case.
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Your checking account balance will no longer be displayed in Online Bill Pay. However, you can open the Online Banking summary page and Online Bill Pay in separate windows and set them side by side, or you can toggle in between them to see your checking balance and the Online Bill Pay window at the same time.
Online Banking Bill Pay Support. For questions relating to payments made through Online Bill pay please call our Bill Pay support number at 855.837.3991.
Popmoney is a registered trademark of Fiserv, Inc.
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